Spring 2012
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President's Corner

2012 is here and well under way.  I still can't write "2012" on anything I handwrite, which usually amounts to only a few personal checks.........ha ha.  This year of course is an election year so I encourage you to at least be aware of the issues.  I'm learning in my ripe, old age (I just turned 50 years old last month!  yikes!) that there are ways to get involved.  I'm not suggesting "Occupy Oakland", but simply reading and/or watching more about the issues.  We can ALL make a difference.  


Personnel Changes

We would like to announce a few personnel changes so that you know.

1.  Daniel Clesi is no longer with the company.  He left early in January to pursue his Art Degree at Laguna College, in Laguna CA.  Danny was with us for five years, so we will surely and sorely miss him!

2.  Sara Morgan.  Sara started with us late last year and she is filling the big shoes vacated by Danny......and more.  Sara is assisting Anita with accounting matters, fulfilling Danny's role and trying to help out any additional way she can.  Sara's nickname of "the Morganizer" preceded her and we welcome her to DCI!  Sara can be reached at smorgan@doyleconstruction.com; or 510-687-1771.

3.  Keith Freitas.  Keith joined us earlier in the year as a project director.  Keith has a wide and varied background in the construction industry and he truly can do it all.  Keith is spending quite a bit of time with Steve (Souza) and I learning the DCI strategy and how we take care of our clients.

Thank you very much....and "welcome aboard" to Keith and Sara!


Proposed Accounting Changes-Update

Proposed changes in lease accounting standards could have a broad negative impact on the U.S. economy, triggering a $10 billion reduction in gross domestic product and 60,000 fewer jobs by 2016, according to a new study from the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation.

The new study finds that under the lease accounting proposals being considered by the IASB and FASB, U.S. companies would add an estimated $2 trillion to their balance sheets, an 11 percent increase in total debt. Higher debt-to-equity ratios could increase volatility in corporate earnings and companies' ability to secure financing, among other consequences.

To find out more, please visit:


 Tired of paying too much to PG&E?!       lightbulb

  • Don't know your options? 
  • Feel like you are burning money?
  • Have metal halide lights in your warehouse?  You should throw them away and we can help you do that.........usually for FREE.  
Current California Energy Rebate Programs are offering significant incentives (50% to 90% of the cost) to upgrade from T12 Fluorescent to T8 Fluorescent, but these incentives will not last for long......please contact us so we can help you take advantage of this HUGE opportunity!  In many cases, the investment/outlay is zero because the rebates equal the investment.  Also we'll provide you with a "current usage" and "post-retrofit usage" so you can see what to expect in savings.  There is no oblgiation; only money to save.  

PG&E Extends rebates past Federal deadline on Lamp Efficacy Standards

Many customers like you may already be aware that new general service fluorescent lamp efficacy standards will take effect on July 14, 2012.  This comes as a result of the legislation from the Department of Energy (DOE), and will impact the availability of many of the 4-foot T12 and 2-foot T12 U-shaped lamps, 8-foot T12 lamps and some 4-foot T8 lamps in the marketplace. 
PG&E understands the significant impact this will have on the industry and in particular customers who plan to use PG&E's existing incentives.  In an effort to support our business customers and facilitate a smooth transition to the new standards, PG&E will continue to offer incentives until 12/31/12 for the following energy efficiency improvements:
- Upgrade from T12 to a T8 lamp and electronic ballast
- De-lamp T12s
- Upgrade T12 fixtures to more efficient interior fixtures


After December 31st, 2012, PG&E will no longer offer incentives on these specific measures. Lighting projects must be completed by the end of the year and related applications submitted by March 1, 2013 to qualify.  Applications must be reserved and completed by the end of the year to qualify for a rebate. Don't miss out on this amazing offer from PG&E. It will be ending soon. Call Doyle Construction today so we can help you with this project and start saving you money.

Service Department

  1. Effective February 1, 2012, we changed the "service call" process silghtly.  This is for efficiency sake; not a backhanded way of saying that we're trying to save money by laying people off, or "streamlining".  Truly this is just for tracking and managing the department more effectively.  So................for service requests, please email "service@doyleconstruction.com".  The email will be routed accordingly and tracked through completion.  This should result in quicker completions, which results in lower costs for everybody.  
  2. Because of our continuing growth in the service department (because of clients like you!), we are searching for service technicians.  Please keep your eyes and ears open for talented faciliites people........and send them our way.  


New Title 24 Cool Roof Requirements

As of January 1, 2010, the California Energy Commission’s updated Title-24 Building
Energy Efficiency Standards for residential and non-residential roofing are now in force,
otherwise know as “Cool-Roof”.

The new Cool Roof requirements affect new construction, significant repairs of existing
roofs, re-roofing, plus additions and alterations of existing buildings and homes.
With the old 2005 Title-24 energy code a residential cool roof was an optional energy
efficiency measure; however, on January 1, 2010, cool roofs are now required for most
residential buildings in many of California’s 16 climate zones. Cool roof standards are
designed to reduce air conditioner demand, save money, and reduce the urban heat island

Cool roof requirements for residential and non-residential now apply to low-slope and
steep-slope roofs. The ages solar reflectance and thermal emittance requirements will
vary, depending on the slope of the roof, climate zone, and the density of the roofing
product. All roofing products must be certified and labeled according to the Cool Roof
Rating Council (CRRC) to comply with the Standards. There are exceptions to both
residential and non-residential requirements.

Feeling Good!

We were able to fulfill recently on "one man's junk is another man's treasure".  When a tenant recently vacated a large office building, they left behind some very nice metal shelving units.  Rather than dispose of them, we made a few phone calls and were able to "re-purpose them".  We saved landfill space and the other party absolutely needed the shelving.  So........we ALL won!


The Future of Office Space......
The cubicle is on its way out ... cubicles have come a long way from the first "personalized space" with movable walls surrounding a desk to the sleek models we see today with everything wired to the hilt, lots of overhead bins and movable drawers, flexible "stuff," and even private offices made out of cubicles (without a ceiling) ... but now with iPads, laptops, cloud storage and anywhere and anyplace employees don't necessarily have to be tied to one specific workspace ... and companies like the direction this is headed, with less space required per employee, in some cases going from 225 square feet per person down to 135 square feet per person while at the same time increasing informal meeting areas ... (credit to John Campbell for these thoughts, he can be contacted at jcampbell@franciscauffman.com) ... Younger employees who are used to collaboration find the traditional cubicle stifling ... and as Mr. Campbell concludes in an article published in Todays Facility Manager (November 2011) " ... It's clear that facility managers are finding that cubicles may impede business needs,  and these corporate cornerstones may soon be a relic of the past."

Work-life balance

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We currently have two projects underway near our office.  So after a long day of demolishing stuff, what better way to unwind than.............playing volleyball!?  Spike!!!!!!!  ha ha.  What better way to end a nice, 72 degree "winter" day in Northern California.  



Thank you for a terrific 2011 and a "booming start" to 2012.  Please let us know..........always.......how we can help and/or how we are doing.  Here's to Daylight Savings Time and the "extra" hour of daylight!

Thank you.

     In this issue.....
Go Green!
Did you know that shopping at a local farmer's market not only contributes to your health, but also the health of the planet as well? Typically, food items travel an average of 1,500 miles!  If every U.S. citizen ate just one meal a week composed of locally and organically raised meats and produce, we would reduce our country's oil consumption by over 1.1 million barrels of oil every week!  Amazing. 
"The Washington Post recently reported that 9% of all Americans are satisfied with Congress.  People keep asking me what dose this mean for the Republicans and what is the implication for the Democrate.  And I tell them that the only question I have is what were those 9% thinking?!"

Gregory Valliere, presentation of key Washington issues



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