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You'll Notice the Difference
  April 2013
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If you don't know where to turn, turn to us!

President's Corner

Life.  You may or may not know this, but I’ve been donating blood regularly since 1986; I still have my original blood donation card to prove it. Ha!  John Butterfield, the second contractor I worked for in California, taught me this very worthwhile, life-saving habit. He told me “….it’s like changing the oil in your car………”. What I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is that donating blood is like a free mini-physical. They check your iron, hemoglobin, blood pressure, pulse, temperature, etc. Pretty cool for saving lives…………….and the cookies and drinks after the donation are pretty cool too.

Death.  As many of you know, a good friend of mine, Mike Sullivan, died from cancer earlier this year. As I reflected on how long I had known and worked with Mike, that somber realization of life hit me…………again. January of 2013 marked the three year anniversary of my health scare (i.e. near death experience). So…………………let’s celebrate life while we are able to.  One never knows when one's time is up.  

Feature Story: Steps for Sustainability

Regardless how sustainable your property has been designed and constructed, sustainability still can be maximized if operated and maintained responsibly. This includes taking into account the safety, comfort and productivity of building occupants in addition to reducing waste by recycling and reusing building materials.

According to a guide by the National Institute of Building Services, ways to maximize the sustainability of a building include the following:
  • Using safer cleaning products that biodegrade quickly, and reduce waste by coming in more concentrated formulas.
  • Implementing a comprehensive maintenance program that includes regularly changing air filters, installing meters to track energy usage, and training facility employees on proper sustainability principles.
  • Maintaining sustainable landscaping by planting native, drought-tolerant plants, developing an effective and thorough pest control plan, and minimizing site disturbance.

For more information, visit the Whole Building Design Guide website, or contact us at

In the Spotlight - Shauna Rodgers

Call our office and you're likely speak to our office administrator, Shauna Rodgers.  Looking for a new challenge after working in the food service industry for over four years, Shauna and her bubbly personality joined the DCI team back in October 2012. Since then she has done an outstanding job communicating with our clients, providing important documentation, and doing all the little things that keep DCI running smoothly.

Shauna was born in Reno, NV but grew up here in the bay area and is the mother of two beautiful little girls. She is also fluent in sign language!

Feel free to give her a call at the office, or send her an email at  Welcome Shauna!  

Dialysis Clinics Discussion

Reducing plastic and water waste caused by dialysis clinics can not only alleviate some of the negative impact we are causing on our environment, but can save building owners and managers substantial money.

A single dialysis session can produce over five pounds of clinical medical waste, which over the course of one year can add up to 720 pounds per patient. According Practice Greenhealth, a nonprofit organization focused in promoting sustainable practices in healthcare, one of the most common mistakes is as simple as mixing ordinary trash with medical waste. When considering that medical waste can cost up to ten times more to dispose of compared to standard trash, simply informing employees of the importance of properly separating waste could reduce unnecessary waste and costs!

A single dialysis session can also consume 136 gallons of water when taking into account water rejected in the reverse osmosis process and sent down the drain.  In response, a DaVita clinic in Daly City is currently testing a turbine system that uses the huge amount of water to actually produce energy like a conventional dam! Want results? DaVita estimates to make back their investment within six months to a year.

More information can be found at DaVita's sustainability webpage or contact us at

Reading the World

Recently, Facilities Management News published that office space per worker is expected to drop below 100 square feet per worker within five years for many companies. Not only is “benching” taking the place of cubicles and privates, but “Liquid Space” , “Rocket Space” and others are experiencing meteoric (pun intended) growth. FMN predicts that the average square foot per worker in 2017 will be 151 square feet, compared to 176 square feet today and 225 square feet in 2010. Incredible, eh?


Happy Anniversary DCI!

May 2, 2013 marks exactly our eleven year anniversary. So.... come celebrate with us!!! As we do every year, we'll enjoy the outside patio at P.F. Chang's in Fremont. The address is (Pacific Commons) 43316 Christy St. We will be there from 4-7 pm. Stop by for food, drink and conversation.

Licensing and Insurance

We are licensed and insured for commercial construction operations including facilities/service/handyman work. Be SURE to confirm your other vendors are too; otherwise you are taking a "ginormous" risk! 
  • DCI has had a facilities group since 2005. 
  • Suddenly "everybody" has one. 
  • Who are you going to trust?

Tel: (510) 687-1771
Fax: (510) 687-1777

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